How To Get Started Investing In Multi-family Homes In Boston The Boston real estate market is hot- prices keep rising in 2022, making it intimidating for new investors. However, if you think it’s too complicated, or even impossible, to invest in the city’s thriving multi- family market then think again. In some instances, you may even be able to achieve a lower net monthly payment for a multi-family home in Boston than for a single-family home. Keep in mind, there are a few steps to follow if you want to successfully invest in Boston real estate. 1. First, do the Math Your first step should be to determine how much you can afford to pay. Depending on the loan product, the down payment can be anywhere from 5% to 30%, or more. Typically on an investor loan (non-owner occupied), lenders are looking for at least a 20% down payment. However, if you’re going to occupy a portion of the property, the down payment could significantly change.


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